Elite Trainer Boksen indeholder:
– 10 boosterpakker fra SWSH Celebrations (Hver booster pakke indeholder 4 pokemonkort.)
– 5 almindelige booster pakker. (Hver booster pakke indeholder 10 forskellige pokemonkort og 1 kode til pokemon TCG Online.)
– 1 specielt holo kort med Greninja Star
– 65 beskyttelseslommer/sleeves med 25 års jubilæums tema.
– 45 pokemon energikort.
– 1 spillerguide til SWSH Celebrations (på engelsk).
– 6 damage counter terninger (bruges til at spille).
– 1 pokemon mønt (bruges til at spille).
– 2 statusmarkører (bruges til at spille).
– 1 kode til Pokemon TCG online.
På pokemon.com skriver de:
Train On!
Celebrate some of Pokémon’s greatest moments over 25 years of adventure, discovery, and friendship! The Celebrations expansion offers plenty to be excited about, including an opportunity to stroll down memory lane with classic Pokémon TCG cards. Add a joyous parade of Legendary, Mythical, and other beloved Pokémon to your collection, including Mew, Ho-Oh, Zamazenta, Flying Pikachu, and Surfing Pikachu. Join the party with the Pokémon TCG: Celebrations expansion!